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Need a little help calculating how many BOX IT’s. you will need?

Not sure how many BOX ITs you will need? Each BOX IT is 2.4m deep x 2.2m high x 1.5m wide, they fit king size beds, fridges and couches!  As a general rule you will need 1-2 BOX ITs per house bedroom E.g. for a 3 bedroom house, you will most likely need 3-4 BOX ITs to store/move the contents of the house.

1 Bedroom House =  1-2 BOX IT’s.

2 Bedroom House = 2-3 BOX IT’s.

3 Bedroom House = 3-4 BOX IT’s.

4 Bedroom House = 4-5 BOX IT’s.

This is just a general guide, we are pros in the moving/storage industry, so if you need a little help just get in touch with a friendly BOX IT team member on 1300 4 BOX IT.